Environmental activities
What does your group want to study?
Juliet, your host, is an ecologist and nature conservationist by day and passes on her passion and skills to schools, scouts and other wildlife groups here at Milden. We’ve run an award-winning wildlife club for nine years and hosted schools studying the environment for 25 years from reception to KS4, with gifted and talented groups and those with special education needs. Activities available depend on time of year and age of students (whether they are KS1 or A-level) but the aim is always to understand more about different habitats and ecosystems – through a mixture of scientific investigation, games, art and drama. Students can learn scientific sampling techniques; really get to meet moths, bush crickets and newts up close; discuss conflict and resolution in the environment; and consider careers to save the planet.

Insect identification
Farm walk & orienteering

Wildlife camp
Painting dragonflies

Wildflower garlands
Making a fire

Sampling insects
Leaf bingo

Making a fire

Sampling insects in woodland
Forest schools

Pond finds

Leaf colour pallette


Moth identification

Nature detective

Drawing butterflies
Adaptation to habitat

Discovering moths

Pond dipping

Keeping a nature diary